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  • Writer's pictureJH

Episode #112: The Trip To Italy


On Episode #112, your humble host recaps a voyage to Italy, and waxes semi-eloquent about Rome, Florence, Tuscany, two Roman histories, pagan statues, antiquity, the Sistine Chapel, travel tips, overzealous security guards, the Palio di Siena, and la dolce vita.

Oh, and the selfie epidemic.

I just don't have time for detailed show notes this week (and, if you've read previous notes, I might dispense with the longer notes anyway). What I can give you is a photo of the statue of Giordano Bruno, whose story I referenced in the episode, and a couple of photos from the excellent Museo Stibbert. I also found some video of the Palio di Siena for your interest.

Contact me here for feedback, questions, episode ideas, and music recommendations!

The statue of Giordano Bruno in Rome:

Snaps from the Museo Stibbert in Florence:

Footage from the Palio di Siena in August:


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